English - Prepositions
Can you complete this sentence?
This is an important job. Please, make sure it is finished _______ delay.
A) by
B) on
C) without
D) off
Can you complete this sentence?
This is an important job. Please, make sure it is finished without delay. Este es un trabajo importante. Por favor, asegúrate de que está terminado sin retraso.
A) by
B) on
C) without
D) off
Other prepositions Otras preposiciones
Afraid of: My friend is always afraid of dogs. Mi amigo siempre está asustado de los perros.
Apply for: He wants to apply for a job. Él quiere solicitar/pedir un trabajo.
Break into: A burglar has broken into my house. Un ladrón ha entrado en mi casa.
Charge of: How much do they charge for this product? ¿Cuánto cobran por este producto?
Disagree with: I'm really sorry, but I disagree with you. Realmente lo siento, pero no estoy de acuerdo con usted.
Dream of: She's always dreaming of going to Japan. Ella siempre está soñando en ir a Japón.
Good / bad at: Margaret is good at swimming. Margaret es buena nadando.
Insist on: Paul insisted on finishing this today. Paul insistió en terminar esto hoy.
Look after: Please, look after my dog while I'm on holiday. Por favor, cuida de mi perro mientras estoy de vacaciones.
Look at: I would be grateful if you could look at my homework. Estaría agradecido si pudieras mirar mis deberes.
Love at (first sight): As soon as I saw her, I fell in love. It was love at first sight. Tan pronto como le vi (a ella), me enamoré. Fue amor a primera vista.
Popular with / among: This poem is very popular with young people. Este poema es muy popular entre la gente joven.
Proud of: You must be very proud of what you have obtained. Usted debe estar muy orgulloso de lo que ha conseguido.
Rely on: I don't have another option but to rely on her. No tengo otra opción que confiar en ella.
Succeed in: He worked very hard, but he succeeded in his project. Él trabajó muy duro, pero tuvo éxito en su proyecto.
Think of / about: Do you think of me? ¿Piensas en mí?
Worry about: Don't worry about this. No te preocupes sobre esto.