English: Idioms
INGLES: IDIOMS. Ejercicio con solución y explicación

English: Rephrasing (Verbs)
INGLES: Rephrasing

English: Phrasal verbs - To hang
INGLES: Phrasal verbs: To hang. Ejercicio con solución y explicación.

Enrique VII de Inglaterra, un lepero y un reino
La historia de Juan de Lepe y el rey Enrique VII parece de chiste pero es tan real como la vida misma. Este es Juan, el lepero que llegó...

Recondite Harmony. RECÓNDITA ARMONÍA,
When a photograph is taken, a specific time is preserved. This moment no longer exists in our real life, yet it has not vanished. It is...

Butterfly, Mariposa, 2007, Costa Rica. Inés Bravo
The light of the sun was pouring down on this tiny butterfly revealing its existence. It was just a unique instance that I knew it was not g

Auld Reekie, 2011, Edimburgo, Escocia, Ana Pueyo
Photography is an everlasting testimony of past stories. The same as this photograph, an irrefutable evidence of why Edinburgh was called, i

FUJI-HAKONE-IZU, 2007, Japón, Mayumi Okada
Which is the most beautiful place for a Japanese person? Well, the answer is, without any doubt, Mt. Fujisan. This picture, taken from Moto-

The seagull. La gaviota, 1997, Cumbria, Reino Unido, Ignacio Sánchez Bravo
One of Britain’s most impressive landscapes is The Lake District. The dramatic grandeur of the Lake District offers unparalleled opportuniti

York, 1992, Reino Unido, Ignacio Sánchez Bravo
By that time, I found myself experimenting with new photographic techniques. This photograph is the first one of that series, the most stand